Is your answer Florida? Wrong.
Now more Baby Boomers are choosing to move where their children live, to help provide care for their grandchildren. According to a 2015 Mayflower Movers Insights Survey, one in four U.S. adults with children are more willing to move closer to their adult children now compared to one year before. Also, half of Americans believe Baby Boomers are more needed in the same area where their children and grandchildren live than five years ago.
According to Mayflower’s survey, 40% of respondents said their friends and family members age 50 or older have moved in the last year to be closer to their children and grandchildren in order to provide care for grandchildren.
“Family dynamics have shifted dramatically over the last 50 years, largely due to the increasing number of families with two working parents, high rate of divorce, large number of cohabiting couples, and single parents,” said Dr. Philip Cohen, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland who studies household and family structure. These factors have led to an increased need for grandparent support.
The same Mayflower study found that Millennials are moving back to their home towns. 68% of these respondents said they moved back to their home towns to be closer to family and friends.
Source: http://www.mayflower.com/about-us/news/boomerang-press-release